Responsibility insurance

Liability insurance is covering third parties pretentions to insured person.
Insurance company compensates in case insured persons activity or inactivity has done damage to third parties property or self.
Liability insurance agreement can be stroked by business client as well as private client.
Private clients can insure risks arise from estate managing, for instance, neighbor over-float as a result of pipe-break, or damage done by snow or ice fallen from the roof.
Business clients in addition to up-mentioned can insure damages caused by their activity or products, sold by them. Liability insurance is obligatory for some specific activities. Those are: notary, auditor, lawyer and patent attorney. It is strongly recommended to strake up this insurance agreement for high-risk work-fields, such as doctor, construction jct.
Manufacturing or sales enterprises can insure damages caused by products produced or sold by them. For instance, store sales electric goods and one of their products cause arson fire. That arson fire damages person, who bought “bad” product. Insurance company compensates expenses, paid to eliminate damage. It is important that insurance company compensate not only direct damages, but also expenses for legal assistance in case of lawsuit, because insured person can be accused without bases. In addition to that it can be very expensive to determinate fare damage compensation in court.

Terms of Liability insurance:
Seesam Insurance AS
ERGO Insurance SE

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Responsibility insurance